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Mission & Vision

GAWG Objectives

a)Empower women groups through microfinance development through saving and loaning - table banking.

b) To engage women group members in an effort to mobilize and enhance income-generating activities and thus improve the communal asset base.

c) Design and implement appropriate strategies and program activities addressing women and girls’ challenges

d) To provide business development services to women organizations and business enhancing self-sufficiency through the initiation of income

generating projects, knowledge and skills development

e) To assist women groups in initiating enterprises aimed at increasing the economic productivity, and lead to poverty-reduction and wealth


f) To conduct social/economic empowerment of women and girls through community events such as capacity-building, youth trainings, and social activities aimed at integrating women and communities for prosperity

g) To improve the living condition of marginalized groups of women and girls

Core Values

Our core values weave the instruments of our existence, shape our relationships with our partners, and remain fundamental and indispensable components of GAWG. They serve as the framework for making gender-sensitive decisions, and planning, coordinating, and executing activities that define the organization's operations.

Respect – Treating all people with respect and dignity

Teamwork – Acting in unison toward a common purpose and goal

Passionate – Pursuing excellence through task completion with initiative, enthusiasm, drive, and enjoyment.

Integrity and Transparency – Dealing in an open, fair, and ethical manner in all aspects of the organization

Commitment – Taking responsibility for our work

Transparency and Accountability – MPHDO will enable stakeholders to see and understand how they operate honestly by providing accurate, complete, and timely information on activities and governance.


The MPHDO Quality Management Policy Specification describes a framework for developing and implementing quality measures in all the organization's activities which meet the required quality standards. The organization is committed to maintaining an excellent reputation in all of its services by ensuring that employees and consultants adhere to the required standards through the organization's processes. We will adhere to and instill a culture of quality assurance and standardization at the organizational level.


The board of directors, which is elected at the general assembly, is the highest level of GAWG management. The board is managed by a delegate system, which selects executive committee members to represent the interest of the members and our beneficiaries. The organization is coordinated through a secretariat system led by the Executive Director, who is responsible for the organization's human resources, programs, and activities. The secretariat and various management Committees work together to harmonize activities in order to achieve the desired objectives and reach the specified goals in the organizations strategic planning. The secretariat is in charge of program planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Volunteers play a key role in supporting the organization to achieve its objectives. The following is the organizational structure for the organization;

GAWG Organizational Structure
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Area of Operation and Target Group

The project will be active in Kajiado County and the surrounding/adjacent counties. The GAWG will specifically target women in the target area who are most at risk from factors such as poverty, advanced age, violence, inclement weather, and disability. The target group is a crucial and important part of this project because it is anticipated that significant results will be provided to them, allowing them to improve their quality of life and access to basic needs such as education, health care, protection, and a sense of belonging.

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Needed Support

GAWG anticipates receiving assistance from receptive stakeholders in order to improve performance in fulfilling our mandate and achieving our strategic goals;

a) Linkage and collaboration to development with likeminded partnerships from across the globe

b) Financial support from donors and partner institutions for project implementation and community development initiatives spearheaded by GAWG

c) Collaborating with volunteers from local and international human resources sources to assist with project programming and implementation